(CREDIT:Kota lab/Colorado State University)
【Gaofenzi.org新材料短讯】科罗拉多州立大学(Colorado State University,简称CSU)的研究人员发明了一种新型胶带,称为超疏液胶带(Superomniphobic Tape),这种胶带柔软而且几乎可以粘在任何材料表面上,而且胶带具有超疏液性能(Superomniphobic properties:the surface liquid-repelling properties),即这种胶带具有超强的排斥液体性质,同时具备超疏水和超疏油性质,材料制备原理和性质如下图所示:
Fabrication of most superomniphobic surfaces requires complex process conditions or specialized and expensive equipment or skilled personnel. In order to circumvent these issues and make them end-user-friendly, we developed the free-standing, flexible, superomniphobic films. These films can be stored and delivered to the end-users, who can readily attach them to virtually any surface (even irregular shapes) and impart superomniphobicity. The hierarchical structure, the re-entrant texture, and the low solid surface energy render our films superomniphobic for a wide variety of liquids. We demonstrate that our free-standing, flexible, superomniphobic films have applications in enhanced chemical resistance and enhanced weight bearing.