




针对上述现象,杂志《New Scientist》采访其他科研人员的观点:

北卡罗莱纳州立大学James Bonner 教授表示碳纳米管首次在人体内发现值得关注研究,存在不确定性。

英国伦敦大学Jonathan Grigg教授认为,碳纳米管不会像石棉纤维那样的致癌性,因为石棉纤维更大,容易困在肺部组织内。


参考文献:Anthropogenic Carbon Nanotubes Found in the Airways of Parisian Children,doi:10.1016/j.ebiom.2015.10.012。(本文献可免费下载阅读

摘要:Compelling evidence shows that fine particulate matters (PMs) from air pollution penetrate lower airways and are associated with adverse health effects even within concentrations below those recommended by the WHO. A paper reported a dose-dependent link between carbon content in alveolar macrophages (assessed only by optical microscopy) and the decline in lung function. However, to the best of our knowledge, PM had never been accurately characterized inside human lung cells and the most responsible components of the particulate mix are still unknown. On another hand carbon nanotubes (CNTs) from natural and anthropogenic sources might be an important component of PM in both indoor and outdoor air.

We used high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy to characterize PM present in broncho-alveolar lavage-fluids (n = 64) and inside lung cells (n = 5 patients) of asthmatic children. We show that inhaled PM mostly consist of CNTs. These CNTs are present in all examined samples and they are similar to those we found in dusts and vehicle exhausts collected in Paris, as well as to those previously characterized in ambient air in the USA, in spider webs in India, and in ice core. These results strongly suggest that humans are routinely exposed to CNTs.




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