首先,什么是透水混凝土?其是一种多孔混凝土,雨水径流可以直接通过,流入下面的土壤。它不仅有助于防止洪水,而且还可以减少水污染 – 使用传统的非透水混凝土,沿着道路长度方向行驶,沿途积聚越来越多的污染物,然后进入本地水道。不幸的是,由于透水性好,透水混凝土不如普通混凝土那么耐用。这就是研究人员决定加入碳纤维废料的原因。
由Karl Englund和Somayeh Nassiri领导,华盛顿州的一个研究小组使用廉价的机械研磨技术研磨波音提供的碳纤维废料。当将研磨后的碳纤维加入到团队现有的透水混凝土混合料中时,所得材料的耐久性和强度大大提高。
Nassiri表示:“就弯曲强度而言,我们取得了非常好的效果 – 与传统混凝土一样高,而且它的排水速度非常快。”另外,由于碳纤维留在其固化的复合材料形式中,因此不需要热量或有毒化学品来处理它。
参考文献:Enhancing Mechanical Properties of Pervious Concrete Using Carbon Fiber Composite Reinforcement
Cured carbon fiber composite material (CCFCM) is available from manufacturing lines; however, excess CCFCM has no reuse applications at present. Postindustrial CCFCM was mechanically refined and used as reinforcement to improve the mechanical properties of pervious concrete (PC). Four PC mixtures were included in the study, which contained 0 (control), 3, 4, and 5% CCFCM by volume. Infiltration rates of all CCFCM mixtures were above the acceptable level of 1,200 cm/h1,200 cm/h. Paired t-tests showed that all CCFCM mixtures significantly outperformed the control mixture in terms of split tensile strength by 57–84% and flexural strength by 36–65% in 28-day testing. Load-displacement curves of CCFCM mixtures indicated increases of 41–54% in toughness indices. Mass loss due to Los Angeles machine abrasion (Cantabro) ranged from 16 to 31% for CCFCM mixtures, while the control lost 50% of its original mass. Overall, within the tested range, up to 4% CCFCM addition to PC presented the optimal result across the entire experimental scope. Higher CCFCM contents may be possible if used as a replacement of aggregate rather than an additive to the mixture.