3M新型丙烯酸泡绵胶带PX5000对表面张力较低的或居中的塑料具有出色的高温(可达80°C)粘附能力,比如包括热塑性聚烯烃(TPO)、聚丙烯(PP) 和PP/EPDM弹性体。PX5000系列双面胶带有一个独特的泡沫芯层,遇到高负载应用时可缓和应力。
3M Series PX5000 tapes offer the following key features:
1、Excellent adhesion to medium and low surface energy plastics. Features high temperature (up to 80°C) holding power on LSE plastics such as TPO, PP & PP/EPDM.
2、Unique foam core provides stress relaxation when high application loads are encountered, while maintaining tight bond-line aesthetics under normal conditions.
3、Very good adhesion to easy to medium difficulty paint systems. Capable of bonding to difficult paint systems depending upon the application. Speak to a 3M technical service representative.
4、Some typical applications for 3M Series PX5000 tapes include sensor bonding, body side moldings, claddings, nd pillar garnishes.